How to Make Lavender Color


How to Make Lavender Color


Mixing equal parts of blue and red paint will produce a vibrant lavender-purple color. However, to achieve the softness and lightness characteristic of lavender, a touch of white or gray should be added. Adding white to the blue and red mixture creates a light, pastel lavender-purple shade.



To make the lavender color, you can follow these mixing instructions depending on the medium you're using:


Basic Lavender Color Mixing Formula

Lavender is a light, muted shade of purple. It’s typically made by mixing purple with white. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


Step 1: Mix Blue and Red


  • Start with blue and red to create a purple base.
  • Use more red than blue to keep the purple warmer, or equal parts if you want a balanced purple.


Step 2: Add White

  • Gradually add white to your purple mixture. This lightens the color and moves it towards the soft, pastel lavender shade.
  • Keep mixing until you reach the desired lightness for lavender.


Step 3: Fine-Tune the Shade

  • If the lavender looks too cool, add a tiny amount of red to warm it up.
  • If it’s too pinkish, add a bit more blue.
  • For a more muted lavender, add a touch of gray to soften the tone.